The Journey into Oneself
1. Purpose of the Book
2. Opening the Gates
3. A Train Journey
4. Paradigms for Reflection
The Two Circles
Mental Knots
Radial Dive
Deep Ocean Peace
Polarization and Convergence
Inner Transformation
5. The Effervescence Euphoria
Nature of the Esoteric Field
Native Intelligence
Natural Religion
Primordial Fountain
6. The River as a Metaphor
Sankhya Philosophy
The Similarity of a River and Prakriti
7. The Noisy Mind
Conditioning Elements
The Eight Vortices
Outer Self
Human Violence
8. The Radical Transformation
The Bardo
Shattering Readings
Reflections on OBE
Satori and NDE
Emanation of the ‘I’
Nadha Yoga
‘No Challenge’ as a Challenge!
Esoteric Questions
9. Death and the Message from NDE
The Uneasy Event
The Mini Death Experience
The Truth of Reincarnation
Understanding the True Self
10. Good Health
The Practical Side
The Second Line
The Third Line
The Fourth Line
11. Childlikeness
Taking it Easy
The Pointers from Stories
The Pointers from Essays
12. This Matter of ‘Dos & D0n'ts’
The Practical Side versus the Inner Dive
The Five Wise Items
Outward and Inward Riches
13. Satori and Monism
14. Epilogue
Author Biography Appendices 1. An Experience of Satori
2. Yet Another Satori
3. Universal Consciousness
4. The Hidden Harmony