Author Biography

    Gopalakrishnan TC received his doctoral degree in Coastal Engineering from the North Carolina State

University, Raleigh, NC, USA in 1978.  He served on the research and teaching faculty of the Indian

Institute of Technology, Madras, India; the North Carolina State University, USA; the Kuwait Institute

for Scientific Research, Kuwait.

    Aside from his professional involvements, he was interested in the philosophic issues of life for the

last forty years or so.  This led him to the messages of Ramana Maharishi, Lao Tzu, J Krishnamurthy, 

 Nisargadatta Maharaj, Eckhart Tolle, Marcus Aurelius and similar Masters.   Based on the above 

reflections, he self-published a book entitled “In Quest of the Deeper Self” published by the

Outskirts Press Inc., Colorado, in 2007.  This book can serve as a way-side companion to those who would 

like to look at the deeper aspects of life. His current book "The Journey into Oneself" published by 

Collectiveink (Mantra Books) is a revised version of that book.

     Gopalakrishnan has been a member of the International Association for Near Death Studies, Durham,

NC, USA.  He presented a paper at their annual conference, September 2 - 4, 2011, on the theme of the

spiritual content of near death experiences.  He lives in Kodaikanal, a hill town in south India, with his

wife Banumathy who also received her doctoral degree from the North Carolina State University, in

Organic Chemistry.  They have a daughter and son who are both married and settled.


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